Would You Take The Vaccine To Cure You From Being Trans?

It’s an interesting question. Some people do see being transsexual as a medical condition that they need treatment for, and some people see hormones and surgeries as a cure for their medical condition. I don’t see being Agender as a medical condition that needs treatment, so I wouldn’t take the vaccine. HOWEVER…

I think that the people who need a vaccine are the ignorant, cruel, bullies who make the lives of trans people shitty: Creating laws so we can’t transition without hassles, hurdles to jump, red tape to unravel-just to get the bodies that we want. Making laws that say our identities are illegal and punishable by imprisonment or death! Teasing us in school  for being “freaks”. Cyber-bullying us to the point of suicide. Getting our pronouns wrong on purpose in an attempt to make us mad and invalidate our identities. Telling us we’re “going to hell” for being trans. THOSE are the people who need a vaccine for their bigotry, ignorance, intolerance, cruelty and stupidity! Is anybody working on a vaccine for THAT?

Being Agender and Surgically Transitioning

It’s a topic I think I haven’t mentioned yet. I am Agender. I don’t identify with any gender under the sun. However, I know what I want my body to look like, and I have the funding to change it. My health insurance will cover any transgender related surgeries and hormones. With no co-pays. I want to make alterations to my body… alterations that are generally associated with trans men. The desires have been consistent since childhood, and after lots of therapy and self-reflection, I feel confident about surgical transition. Top surgery is coming up in February (2014). I got a hysto in August 2013, which was the worst pain of my life, but I had medical issues with those baby-makin’ organs, so they’re gone! From 1993 to 2013, the discomfort and misery I suffered thanks to those organs was worth 3 months of pain during recovery as far as I see it! 

I’m not taking the hormone route because of past problems with trying it. It made other health problems worse, and I was taking it for all the wrong reasons: peer pressure! Trans men pestered me, bullied me, and pressured me to take T. I tried it to get all those assholes off my back, but it was a disaster to my health! The doctor I recently saw thinks that I should stay away from hormones indefinitely, and I’m not all broken up about it! Shit, I’m glad he thinks that way–because I do  too!

But then there’s bottom surgery. Uhhh… the doc I saw said a metoidalplasty is probably not gonna happen without the growth “down there” that T gives a person. I don’t like the idea of phalloplasty, even though I don’t need T for that. Taking skin from somewhere else on my body to construct a penis doesn’t sit well with me! No one has come up with penis donations as far as I know, and my body would most likely reject the donor penis anyway! I guess the lower area is gonna have to stay the way it is.

It may sound odd to people to read about an Agender person transitioning like this, but as far as I see it, parts don’t mean that I “want to be a man”. I just want to change my body to the way I want it. I’m not the first, and I won’t be the last.

A Friend Mentioned This Today…

We were talking about the idea of gender being eradicated in society. Here’s a snippet of our conversation:

Some people think that it would cause societal chaos and confusion if gender were abolished. Maybe if it happened right this minute!! The world is not ready yet. But people (like little old me) need to talk about the idea of a society with no gender. I‘m not the only human thinking about this; clearly there are people who still know who they are, who they want to spend time with, and how they want their bodies to look like– independent of gender. I think that the changes in society’s views on gender would be gradual, over a (long) period of time. Eventually, humanity would begin to place less and less importance on the concept of gender– until they realized they didn’t need it anymore.


I actually know some binary trans folk (in my local group at least) that would be happy getting rid of the concept, but I’ve certainly met the sort you’re talking about as well. I think one thing the opposed binary trans folk may be overlooking is that if gender and the concept of men/women were done away with, that they couldn’t be told that they aren’t a “real” man/woman.

They brought up an excellent point!!

I Don’t Mean To Invalidate and Hurt People, But…

I don’t like to be associated with the binary-focused segment of the Transgender community, even though “technically” I’m under the trans umbrella. Transgender people who are a part of the binary system don’t like me because I want gender to be abolished. That’s like a slap in the face to them because crossing genders consumes their lives. They want to be recognized for the genders they are in their minds. They’ve felt dismissed, labeled crazy, and suffered abuse from this cis-dominated world, but have fought so hard to be treated as the genders they identify with, who deserve the same rights as cis people. Then I come along, saying I have no gender and I’m a Gender Atheist who thinks gender should be eradicated! My beliefs must make them feel invalidated and hurt. It’s probably better to stay away from any trans person who gets offended with my point-of-view, and just hang out with Non-Binary, Genderfluid, Agender, Neutrois,  people who aren’t offended by my beliefs.

Carving A Path For Future Generations

People say mean things to me for being a Gender Atheist. They say gender will never be abolished. Fuck that! I think it will happen. It will just take time. It’s already started with me and people I know in an online support group…that’s a good start! And the numbers will keep growing.  “Be the change you want to see in the world.” … that annoying, over-used quote from Buddha or Confucius or Gandhi. Well, annoying as it may be, and regardless of whoever-the-fuck wrote it, I’m already being the change–and I’m having an affect on people worldwide. I’m not becoming a millionaire for it. My mom would love for me to get a career and become a millionaire. Huh. Great people with revolutionary ideas were often poor, lonely, and died deep in debt in crappy rooming houses. But they changed the world for the better. They left their mark on the world, and made it a better place. That’s what I’m doing. Through my writing, I’m leaving my mark, and helping to make the world a better place. People like me, and other gender rebels, are all cutting a path for future generations, so hopefully they won’t have to suffer the way we have!!

How About Saying, Pregant “PERSON”?

Tonight, in a Facebook convo, someone said “she” in regards to lactation and reproductive cycles, and I told him not everyone with cycles is a “she”. I told him Men have cycles, Genderfluid people have cycles, Agender people have cycles. (He is a TRANS MAN by the way!) He responded by saying that he didn’t see the need to stop saying “she” in reference to those who lactate because the amount of pregnant men is so small that it isn’t a high enough percentage to change the language regarding lactation. Now, I am a Gender Atheist … but I still think that’s just wrong!! To dismiss people who have cycles/are lactating but don’t identify as women because they’re a small percentage?!? Plus the fact that has a selective memory because he used to be one of those people with cycles who doesn’t identify as a woman!!! IDIOTIC!! Also, how much more trouble is it to say “pregnant person”, “lactating person”??!! WTF is up with TRANS people being backwards and cissexists? A friend–well so did I actually–mentioned his forgetfulness of his past– his roots. He is now part of the problem, rather than a contributor of a better, more inclusive, tolerant society. Such a shame…



Trans men and Trans women get mad at me for being not only genderless, but for being a Gender Atheist. They take it as a threat to their identities. They take it personally, and get bent out of shape, talking about their right to have a gender identity–when really it’s ALL ABOUT ME and my beliefs. Not to sound disrespectful, but I’m not thinking about THEM! I’m thinking about how a lack of gender makes me feel content and free!  I live by no gender rules, like people with a gender identity often do– whether they live by the rules for the gender they identify with, or they live by the rules for the gender they were assigned at birth. A genderless person in the transgender community is like a slap in the face to trans people. Here they are doing all these things to transition, pass and live as the opposite gender they were assigned at birth, sometimes living by the binary gender rules (just the opposite ones that they were once oppressed with–THAT makes sense..), and going overboard with the gender stereotypes as a way to prove their “manhood” or “womanhood”. Then I come along saying I’m Agender, and I have no rules and I’m not trying to do anything to “pass” because that word doesn’t apply to me! (“Pass” as what? I dunno…as a human?) They get so frustrated, and move on to not only try and defend their identity, but to criticize me for not having one! Humans like to live in well-defined boxes with a certain criteria that has to be met in order to fit into a particular box. You can try to put me in a box, but you won’t succeed…because there is no box for me!