A Friend Mentioned This Today…

We were talking about the idea of gender being eradicated in society. Here’s a snippet of our conversation:

Some people think that it would cause societal chaos and confusion if gender were abolished. Maybe if it happened right this minute!! The world is not ready yet. But people (like little old me) need to talk about the idea of a society with no gender. I‘m not the only human thinking about this; clearly there are people who still know who they are, who they want to spend time with, and how they want their bodies to look like– independent of gender. I think that the changes in society’s views on gender would be gradual, over a (long) period of time. Eventually, humanity would begin to place less and less importance on the concept of gender– until they realized they didn’t need it anymore.


I actually know some binary trans folk (in my local group at least) that would be happy getting rid of the concept, but I’ve certainly met the sort you’re talking about as well. I think one thing the opposed binary trans folk may be overlooking is that if gender and the concept of men/women were done away with, that they couldn’t be told that they aren’t a “real” man/woman.

They brought up an excellent point!!

The Freedom of a Life Without Gender

Having no gender means the freedom to act however the hell I want! The kind of freedom that people can’t have (without persecution) if they identify as a part of the binary in this primitive age. When I was living as a man, it was as if there was a Trans Men Rule Book, and I was breaking all the rules! I was pressured to wear looser clothes, walk more manly, change my name, cut my dreads off, learn to talk lower, get jaw masculinization surgery (I’m serious! Someone suggested that to me!), wear a mascara mustache. It’s as if being a unique individual, living however you want, and identifying as part of the binary is not allowed!! Folks don’t have anything to say when I say I’m Agender… they don’t know what I’m talking about! There are a lot of people even in the LGBT etc. community who don’t even know what Agender means! Who’s gonna pressure me?: “Oh Skye, you’re not Agender-ing correctly! Didn’t you read the Agender Rule Book?” As far as I know, there is no rule book for being genderless… that would be dumb! It doesn’t matter how tight my clothes are, how long or short my hair is, how much inflection I have in my voice, how I walk, what my name is, what the shape of my jaw is, or the state of my facial hair. I’m a free-spirit who has soared over the complications of gender, and I will live my life how I please! It may seem like “the easy way out”, but freedom comes with a price; because it means that strangers are gonna call me the usual default labels: female. Which is annoying to say the least. But I’m trying to teach myself that their perceptions of me don’t really matter.