I Speak Up About The Use of the “T” Word

I was watching a You Tube video about a person who bought a new wig. The texture of it was kinky curly/afro, and the hair was reeeeeaaaaaallllllyyy big! So they said, “This hair is lookin’ kinda tranny, kinda drag queen…” I WAS LIVID! I knew that if I didn’t speak up about this person’s ignorance, that nobody else would! So, I wrote the following comment:
F.Y.I.  The use of the word “tranny” is HIGHLY offensive to transgender people. It’s also VERY disrespectful to say that big hair makes a person look like a drag queen. Also, it is INCREDIBLY ignorant to put drag queen and transgender in the same category, as though they are the same. Transgender means that a person was assigned one gender at birth, but identifies with another gender.  A drag queen is a man who puts on make-up/wigs/dresses/heals for a period of time, then takes that stuff off after he’s done looking that way; he does not dress that way full-time. SEE, they are different. Transgender does not mean “a man in a dress”. Drag queen is not a transgender person. Think before you speak, because you could really hurt people.