I Don’t Mean To Invalidate and Hurt People, But…

I don’t like to be associated with the binary-focused segment of the Transgender community, even though “technically” I’m under the trans umbrella. Transgender people who are a part of the binary system don’t like me because I want gender to be abolished. That’s like a slap in the face to them because crossing genders consumes their lives. They want to be recognized for the genders they are in their minds. They’ve felt dismissed, labeled crazy, and suffered abuse from this cis-dominated world, but have fought so hard to be treated as the genders they identify with, who deserve the same rights as cis people. Then I come along, saying I have no gender and I’m a Gender Atheist who thinks gender should be eradicated! My beliefs must make them feel invalidated and hurt. It’s probably better to stay away from any trans person who gets offended with my point-of-view, and just hang out with Non-Binary, Genderfluid, Agender, Neutrois,  people who aren’t offended by my beliefs.